API Docs for: 0.5.12

PhidgetInterfaceKit Class

Extends Phidget
Defined in: lib/phidgets.js:869
Module: phidgets

The PhidgetInterfaceKit class allows you to control and receive data from all Phidget interface kit boards :

  • PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 normal and mini-format
  • PhidgetInterfaceKit 2/2/2
  • PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/16/16
  • PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 (with and without hub)
  • etc.

Not all of these boards have been tested. If you possess one and can verify its compatibility, let us know.

This object extends the Phidget object which extends Node.js' events.EventEmitter object. See that object's documentation for inherited methods.




Defined in lib/phidgets.js:869



  • value
  • min
  • max

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:848

Returns the value after making sure it falls between min and max.


  • value Int | Number

    The value to check

  • min Int

    The minimum value desired

  • max Int

    The maximum value desired




  • chunk

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:511

This function is called each time data is received from the Phidget WebSerice. It adds the data to the input buffer and checks if full lines (separated by '\n') can be reconstructed. If full lines are found they are handed over to the _parseLineInput() method for processing.


  • chunk String

    A chunk of utf8 encoded text to parse


  • keyword
  • [index]

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:791

Returns a /PCK string built from the specified parameters. PCK strings are the keys sent out to control the board.


  • keyword String

    The operation keyword to use

  • [index] Int optional

    The index of the output to use


  • line

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:553

Parses a single line of data typically received from the Phidget WebService. If the line is a report line, the function hands it off to the _parsePskKey() method. Otherwise, it deals with it locally.


  • line String

    A non-terminated line of utf8 text


  • data

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:761

Parses Phidget-specific data received from the Phidget WebService. This function is meant to be overridden by subclasses.


  • data Object

    An object containing the received data

    • device String

      The device identifier (e.g. PhidgetInterfaceKey, PhidgetLED, etc.).

    • label String

      The custom label set for the device.

    • serial Int

      The serial number of the device.

    • keyword String

      A keyword identifying the type of information conveyed. It could be 'Input', 'Version', 'DataRate', etc.

    • index Int

      The numerical index (for indexed keys only)

    • value String

      The actual value.

    • status String

      The status of the key. It could be: 'added', 'changed', 'removing', etc.


  • line

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:824

Sends a line of data to the webservice


  • line String

    A non-terminated line of data to send


  • key
  • value
  • [persistent=false]

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:807

Sends the /PCK string (with attached value) to the webservice.


  • key String

    A /PCK string (typically form the _makePckString() method)

  • value Int | String

    The value to set

  • [persistent=false] Boolean optional

    Whether the value should persist or whether its for the session only.


() protected

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:781

Sets phidget-specific state before the 'opened' event is triggered. This is a good place for subclasses to assign initial values to the board. This is meant to be overridden by subclasses.


  • event
  • listener

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:262

This is an alias for the on() method.


  • event String

    The event to add the listener for.

  • listener Function

    The callback function to execute when the event is triggered.


() Phidget chainable

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:396

Closes a previously opened connection to a Phidget device.



Returns the Phidget to allow method chaining.


  • event
  • listener

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:271

Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event. No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of event and listener will result in the listener being added multiple times.

This method is inherited from Node.js' events.EventEmitter object. See that object's documentation for more details methods.


  • event String

    The event to add the listener for.

  • listener Function

    The callback function to execute when the event is triggered.


  • event
  • listener

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:288

Adds a one time listener for the event. This listener is invoked only the next time the event is fired, after which it is removed.

This method is inherited from Node.js' events.EventEmitter object. See that object's documentation for more details methods.


  • event String

    The event to add the listener for.

  • listener Function

    The callback function to execute when the event is triggered.


  • [options={}]
Phidget chainable

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:333

Opens a connection to a Phidget device. Opening a connection is a two-step process. First, a connection to the Phidget WebService (which must be running) is established. Then, a session to the specified device (which must be plugged in) is opened.


  • [options={}] Object optional


    • [host=""] String optional

      Hostname or IP address to connect to

    • [port=5001] Int optional

      Port to connect to

    • [serial] Int optional

      Serial number of the device to connect to

    • [label] String optional

      Label of the device to connect to (can be set in the Phidgets control panel).



Returns the Phidget to allow method chaining.


  • [event]

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:303

Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event.

This method is inherited from Node.js' events.EventEmitter object. See that object's documentation for more details methods.


  • [event] String optional

    The event to remove the listeners for.


  • [event]
  • listener

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:315

Removes a listener from the listener array for the specified event. removeListener() will remove, at most, one instance of a listener from the listener array. If any single listener has been added multiple times to the listener array for the specified event, then removeListener() must be called multiple times to remove each instance.

This method is inherited from Node.js' events.EventEmitter object. See that object's documentation for more details methods.


  • [event] String optional

    The event to remove the listeners for.

  • listener Function

    The callback function to execute when the event is triggered.


  • index
  • [value=false]
PhidgetInterfaceKit chainable

Defined in lib/phidgets.js:971

Sets the specified output to active (true) or inactive (false). This method should only be used after the board is 'opened'. Calling it before will fail silently.


  • index Int | Array

    The output number to set (or array of output numbers)

  • [value=false] Boolean optional

    The value you wish to set the output to.



Returns the PhidgetInterfaceKit to allow method chaining.


  • index
  • [value=10]
PhidgetInterfaceKit chainable

Sets the sensitivity threshold of a sensor. The threshold is measured in sensorvalue (0-1000). It is the smallest change that will trigger an update notification from the sensor. Sensitivity threshold and update intervals are mutually exclusive. If you set the sensitivity of a sensor, the update interval will be ignored and vice versa.

This function accepts a single sensor number or an array of sensor numbers for which to set the sensitivity.

This method should only be used after the board is 'opened'. Calling it before will fail silently.


  • index Int | Array

    The sensor's number (or an array of sensor numbers)

  • [value=10] Int optional

    The number sensitivity threshold to assign (0-1000)



Returns the PhidgetInterfaceKit to allow method chaining.


  • index
  • [value=16]
PhidgetInterfaceKit chainable

Sets the update interval of a sensor. The update interval is the number of milliseconds between update notifications. It must be a multiple of 8 between 8 and

The shorter the interval is and the more frequent the updates will be. However, shorter intervals are more demanding on the cpu. This function accepts a single sensor number or an array of sensor numbers to set. This method should only be used after the board is 'opened'. Calling it before will fail silently.


  • index Int | Array

    The sensor's number (or an array of sensor numbers)

  • [value=16] Int optional

    The number of milliseconds you wish to set the interval to.



Returns the PhidgetInterfaceKit to allow method chaining.




Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:117

The host name or address of the Phidgets WebService to connect to.




Defined in lib/phidgets.js:894

[read-only] An object containing information about the digital inputs of the device. Here are a few examples of how to retrieve information in that object:

PhidgetInterfaceKit.inputs[5].value         // Input 5 current value
PhidgetInterfaceKit.inputs.count            // Total number of inputs on the device


  • count Int

    The total number of inputs on the device.

  • inputs[int].value Int

    The current value of the specified input.



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:226

The delay (in milliseconds) between report updates sent from the webservice.

Default: 8



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:143

The unique label of the device. The label must have a maximum length of 10 characters. If you try to set a longer label, the remainder will be truncated. Labels are supported only on newer devices and are remembered even when the device is unplugged. A label can only be set after a Phidget has been 'opened'. Trying to set the label before that will fail silently.

Default: undefined



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:194

[read-only] Human-readable version of the board's name (i.e. "Phidget InterfaceKit 8/8/8". This information is only available some time after the connection has been successfully opened.

Default: undefined



Defined in lib/phidgets.js:926

[read-only] An object containing information about the digital outputs of the device. Here are a few examples of how to retrieve information in that object:

PhidgetInterfaceKit.outputs[5].value     // Output 5 current value
PhidgetInterfaceKit.outputs.count        // Total number of outputs on the device


  • count Int

    The total number of outputs on the device.

  • outputs[int].value Int

    The current value of the specified output.


String private

Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:182

The password to connect to the WebService. If specified, it will be used when opening a new connection. As soon as connected the password property will be erased. THIS IS CURRENTLY SET TO PRIVATE BECAUSE IT'S NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!

Default: undefined



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:125

The port of the Phidgets webservice to connect to.

Default: 5001



Defined in lib/phidgets.js:939

Determines whether ratiometric values should be used or not for analog sensors. If this property is defined before the phidget is opened, it will be set as soon as possible after opening it. If it is defined after the board is opened and ready, it will be set right away.

Default: undefined



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:94

[read-only] Whether the device is ready for use or not. A device must be 'opened' before it can be used.



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:109

Whether to try to automatically reopen the device if it gets remotely closed.

Default: true



Defined in lib/phidgets.js:907

[read-only] An object containing information about the analog sensor inputs of the device. Here are a few examples of how to retrieve information in that object:

PhidgetInterfaceKit.sensors[5].value         // Sensor 5 current value
PhidgetInterfaceKit.sensors.count            // Total number of sensors on the device
PhidgetInterfaceKit.sensors[3].sensitivity   // Sensor 3 sensitivity level


  • count Int

    The total number of sensors on the device.

  • sensors[int].rawValue Int

    The current raw value of the specified sensor.

  • sensors[int].sensitivity Int

    The sensitivity threshold of the specified sensor.

  • sensors[int].updateInterval Int

    The update interval of the specified sensor.

  • sensors[int].value Int

    The current value of the specified sensor.



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:133

The unique serial number of the device. If specified, it will be used to connect to the matching device.

Default: undefined



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:167

[read-only] The unique ID of the Phidget WebService the device is currently connected to.

Default: undefined



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:58

[read-only] Array of all the devices supported by this library.



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:81

[read-only] The type of device (i.e. PhidgetInterfaceKit, PhidgetLED, etc.).



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:210

[read-only] This number distinguishes between revisions of a specific type of Phidget. It is only useful for debugging purposes. This information is only available some time after the connection has been successfully opened.

Default: undefined



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:435

Event emitted when the connection to a phidget has been remotely closed.

Event Payload:

  • emitter Phidget

    The actual object that emitted the event.


Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:493

Event emitted when an error occurs while trying to open a phidget

Event Payload:

  • emitter Phidget

    The actual object that emitted the event.

  • error Error

    The error object

    • address String

      The network address

    • code String

      The error code

    • errno String

      The error number

    • message String

      The error message

    • port String

      The network port


Event emitted when the status of a binary input changes.

Event Payload:

  • emitter PhidgetInterfaceKit

    The actual PhidgetInterfaceKit object that emitted the event.

  • data Object

    An object containing the input data and related information

    • index Int

      The input's index number

    • value Boolean

      The input's received value


Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:585

Event emitted when a phidget is successfully opened.

Event Payload:

  • emitter Phidget

    The actual Phidget object that emitted the event.


Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:359

Event emitted when an attempt to open a Phidget has been initiated.

Event Payload:

  • emitter Phidget

    The actual Phidget object that emitted the event.


Defined in lib/phidgets.js:997

Event emitted when an output's status is changed.

Event Payload:

  • emitter PhidgetInterfaceKit

    The actual PhidgetInterfaceKit object that emitted the event.

  • data Object

    An object containing the output data and related information

    • index Int

      The output's index number

    • value Int

      The output's new value



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:535

Event emitted when a new line of data has been received from the web service. This is mostly useful for debugging purposes (hence the @private denomination). It will let you view all data coming in.

Event Payload:

  • emitter Phidget

    The actual Phidget object that emitted the event.

  • data String

    The actual string data received.


Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:461

Event emitted when an attempt to automatically re-open a closed Phidget is being carried on.

Event Payload:

  • emitter Phidget

    The actual Phidget object that emitted the event.

  • data Object

    Additional data regarding the event.

    • attempt Int

      The number of re-opening attempts performed.

    • max Int

      The maximum number of attempts that will be tried before failing.


Event emitted when analog sensor data is received

Event Payload:

  • emitter PhidgetInterfaceKit

    The actual PhidgetInterfaceKit object that emitted the event.

  • data Object

    An object containing the sensor data and related information

    • index Int

      The sensor's index number

    • value Int

      The sensor's received value



Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:835

Event emitted when a new line of data has been sent to the Phidget WebService. This is mostly useful for debugging purposes (hence the @private denomination). It will let you view all data going out.

Event Payload:

  • emitter Phidget

    The actual Phidget object that emitted the event.

  • data String

    The actual string of sent data.


Inherited from Phidget: lib/phidgets.js:638

Event emitted when an attempt to open a Phidget times out.

Event Payload:

  • emitter Phidget

    The actual Phidget object that emitted the event.