new AudioMeter( context [, options ] )


The AudioMeter class analyzes audio input and reports on its level (volume). It can be used in a WebAudio chain by connecting a source node to the AudioMeter object.

let meter = new AudioMeter(context);
Name Type Attributes Default Description
context AudioContext

The AudioContext that this object belongs to.

options Object <optional>
Name Type Attributes Default Description
smoothingTimeConstant number <optional>

A number between 0 and 1 to quantify the amount of smoothing applied to the calculated volume.

minDecibels number <optional>

A number representing the minimum decibel value for scaling the FFT analysis data, where 0 dB is the loudest possible sound. The default value is -100 dB.

maxDecibels number <optional>

A number representing the maximum decibel value for scaling the FFT analysis data, where 0 dB is the loudest possible sound. The default value is-30 dB.

fftSize number <optional>

An unsigned integer, representing the window size of the FFT, given in number of samples. A higher value will result in more details in the frequency domain but fewer details in the time domain.
